Realistic Views



I wanted to touch on a topic that is very dear to my heart. Dear because its something I have struggled with for a long long time, Dear because its something that rears its ugly head still now and Dear because I believe its a massive massive part of reminding yourself your doing great.

Its being hard on yourself when you don’t completely follow a plan that you make, its that inner mean girl or guy that tells us that we are not doing as well as we should. Fact is anything is better than nothing and trying is the most important thing.

This is has and forever will be my mantra. Yes I am not always going to be able to ignore that voice in my head but learning to pat myself on the back for the small changes I make in that direction is a great start.

Whenever I make a plan for myself for example “I am going to eat better” or “I am going to train “this” many times a week” I start off doing so well but then life bowls me over with a different plan and suddenly everything seems to fall apart. Instead of saying to myself that its okay I tend to get really down and out and for example if it was my meal plan I go ohhhh I’ve stuffed that up no point doing it again I’m clearly a big fat failure and I do the EXACT same thing with my training.


Since having my daughter I have come to realise that there are going to be MANY bumps in the road and you know what? I just have to roll with it.

This week has been a perfect example of that. I have been training and eating so well the last couple of weeks.. then my girl got sick over the weekend.. had two all nighters with her and one which included us not only being up til 5am but also missing a training session and getting behind in work.. now I am sick also and honestly I haven’t been remembering to eat in the day. When I do eat its pretty decent food just not enough and the battle between being sick, having a sick baby, trying to get her to eat let alone myself, finish my emails/work, cook dinner AND train has been terribly tricky.

I have felt so unwell that getting to the supermarket has been last on my agenda so I have been making do with what I have here and honestly rather than being down and out I am so damn proud of myself! I whipped up a yummy cashew chicken on cauliflour rice last night… the sauce has a bit of sugar in it due to being a few bottled products but still pretty healthy and kung pao chicken on brown rice tonight #winning!!!! – Thanks Pinterest haha

The point here is that no matter what is going on in your life or whatever changes you are trying to make please please remember that you are doing great!!!!


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